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Haiti: Bringing Clean Water to Communities through Well Drilling Project

Veronica lives with her husband and three children in Dilor, a small village in Timor-Leste. Every day, she makes at least two exhausting trips to the river and back to provide water for her family. The river water is dirty and often causes diarrhea and other illnesses, especially for her

Myanmar: Tin Mar Hwe’s Journey with Rainwater Collection for Schools

Every day, Tin Mar Hwe, the headmistress of a school in Than Bo, Myanmar, worries about having enough clean water for her students. She depends on parent volunteers to make eight trips a day to nearby ponds to collect enough water to last the children through the day. Access to

Madagascar: Voahary’s Experience with Lunch Programs

Voahary is 15 and is a growing boy in the outskirts of Antananarivo in Madagascar. He sits restlessly in his seat at school, but today he’s lucky. His distraction these days is brought on by his desire to get outside and play, but it wasn’t that long ago that his

Cambodia: Makai’s Journey of Food Aid and Garden training

Makai’s story is not uncommon in the Mandera area of Kenya. She has lived through times of plenty and seen her family grow and prosper, but her world was forever changed a few years ago. “Before my husband passed away, we used to be one of the leading livestock traders

Ethiopia: Undoing Malnutrition at ADRA’s Health Center

At the age of 22 months, Halimu fell ill. She could not move or eat and had a high fever. Her mother, Abshiru, did not know what was wrong or what to do. The small village in Ethiopia where she lives has limited resources, and her husband is disabled and

How You Can be Apart of Better Water

SILVER SPRING, Md. – The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) commemorates World Water Day on March 22, a day devoted to further clean-water initiatives worldwide. Stemming from a recommendation by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), World Water Day seeks to focus on the importance of

Whoever. Wherever. Whenever.

ADRA is blessed to be able to honor refugees and all those who have been displaced, through our work every day. This seems especially important now as a devastating new record was reached in 2022.  For the first time in recorded history, the number of people forced to flee conflict,

Milk Jugs & Change for Goats & Chickens

Elianne was on a mission. Making her way around her neighborhood, with her big brother by her side, the young girl knocked on door after door. “Hi, do you have any change?” she asked everyone who answered. “I’m getting money so I can buy a chicken for some people in

Don’t Come Home

Oriana’s mother doesn’t want her to come home. It may not sound like something a loving mother would want, but telling her daughter to stay away may be the most loving thing this mother could do. Years ago, Oriana fled Venezuela with her husband and their young daughter, Lucia, who

Churches, Schools, and Groups Show Support for Ukraine and ADRA

The ADRA family has been overwhelmed with prayers, donations, and other support from our community of supporters across the country and around the world! We are so grateful because the power of your prayers is very real, and monetary support is vital in a crisis like this when flexibility is

A Mother’s Decision to Flee

ADRA is blessed to meet amazing mothers in our work every day. These are the kind of mothers who would do anything, give up everything, and go anywhere for their children. Mothers like Masha and Glendys.  These two women have lived vastly different lives, but they are united by the

7 More Crises Where Your Support is Active

While the world’s attention remains on the continuing Ukrainian humanitarian crisis, your support is helping us make sure that others living in crisis conditions aren’t forgotten. Here are seven more countries where ongoing humanitarian crises have uprooted lives and forced people from their homes. YEMEN This month, Yemen passed the

Ukraine: Two Times a Refugee

Nina is an 82-year-old grandmother from Ukraine. The night before ADRA met her, she boarded a train with her sister and her sister’s husband and left her home country to escape the violence of the conflict. This evacuation is not Nina’s first time fleeing a conflict. In 1941, Nina was

Ukraine: A Broken Bridge to Safety

Daniel is a member of ADRA’s emergency support staff, serving at one of the centers welcoming refugees forced to flee the conflict in Ukraine. Thousands of displaced people, mostly women and children, have come across the border where he is, and he shared the story from one. The following are

Adventists Institutions Come Together in Compassion

When the conflict in Ukraine first began, ADRA called upon our large Adventist network in surrounding countries to aid with the refugee crisis. Based on estimates published by the United Nations, we expected at least 4 million people to become refugees due to the Ukraine Crisis.  Within hours, Adventist churches,

Ukraine: Women in War

Britt (pictured above) works for ADRA in Norway and shared the following account from the border of Poland where she is currently working with refugees fleeing from Ukraine as one of ADRA’s emergency response communications coordinators. During this crisis, our thoughts are with the many women in Ukraine. One woman

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