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Supporter Spotlight: Doreen’s Story

ADRA supporter Doreen grew up on Saint Helena Island, a very small island in the Atlantic. One of the most isolated places in the world, the island has less than 5,000 habitants and is best known as the place where Napoleon Bonaparte spent his exile and eventually died. The island

Yemen: A Water Well Brings More than Just Water

We know ADRA supporters love wells as much as we do, but have you ever wondered what else is involved with providing a water source besides the drilling truck? ADRA works with each individual community to make sure a lot of vital factors are considered. This isn’t your typical ADRA

Eswatini: Gina’s Story of Uncertain Survival

Have you heard of Eswatini? Gina is grateful for his life. The ten-year-old is too thin from chronic nutrition and when he has time to play, he rarely has the energy for it. He lives with his parents and six siblings in a one-bedroom home in a remote community. Gina

Colombia: Essentials to a Good Life

Every day, Rufo and his wife Fanny head out very early in the morning. The couple who recently migrated to Colombia from Venezuela collect materials for recycling and hauling in the city they now call home, which is how they earn money. “We live on a daily income, even if

ADRA Responds to Disasters in Haiti

When the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, Dumont was outside his house with several of his children. His wife and remaining children were attending a funeral at a church nearby, and he was completing some last-minute yardwork before joining them at the service. Dumont heard an unusual noise and he

ADRA Angels Q&A

One of the most effective ways you can support ADRA is to join our monthly giving program, ADRA Angels! With the growing popularity of monthly giving, we get a lot of questions about ADRA Angels, so we sat down with our Associate Director of Annual Giving, Shelley Nolan Freesland, who

Madagascar: Damy’s Story of Hunger Crisis

3 Things That Make Madagascar’s Hunger Crisis Unique Not every story is easy to write and share. We want to tell you the story of two-year-old Damy and his family in Madagascar. We know stories like his aren’t always easy to read, and we’ll be honest, they can be hard

Colombia: Healthy Lives for All

Every person on Earth is born with the right to a healthy life. So many factors have a direct effect on our health, and often the difference between a long life of good health and a life of chronic illness or early death comes down to access. When we lack

5 Benefits of Using Food Vouchers in a Crisis

The crisis of world hunger is not going away. It is getting worse. Right now, more than a quarter billion people worldwide are on the brink of starvation. Hunger crises in Yemen, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Venezuela only add to the urgency of the situation, which is made far worse by

What is Acute Food Insecurity?

Food insecurity is one of the most pressing problems in the world today. A report by the United Nations in 2022 states that 828 million people worldwide regularly go to bed hungry. Around 50 million people are facing the threat of famine in 45 countries. The amount of people who

3 Steps to Finding Your Renewed Purpose

Every year can bring with it life-changing events, economic struggles, unexpected sicknesses, or even those tiny moments that become the biggest memories of that year.  At ADRA, our mission is our purpose—to serve humanity so all can live as God intended. We respond to new crises that impact the most

Behind the Scenes with ADRA: Rebecca in Kenya

Rebecca knows the impact of your support. Her role with ADRA sometimes takes her around the world and into communities where she gets to see how your donations and prayers are changing lives! Recently, she traveled to Kenya where we talked to her about the projects she visited and the

Eat Good, Do Good, Feel Good: Visit ADRA’s Food Truck in Belgium

Providing quality food for all is the mission of The Social Food Truck, ADRA’s innovative and award-winning social enterprise in Belgium. By day, the food truck serves delicious vegetarian street food to the general population of Brussels. By night, it seeks out the city’s most vulnerable and ensures they are

Good Things: A Gift Guide

A lot goes into ADRA’s Gift Catalog every year: a lot of work, a lot of love, and a lot of good things. It’s true! With every gift you give through our gift catalog, you are making good things possible around the world for people in poverty, communities in crisis,

How Listening to Stories Leads to Feeding Communities in Afghanistan

Khan’s peaceful life ended the day a rocket blew his home apart. Months later, the Afghan father was living in a tent with the surviving members of his family. He told ADRA’s team that the tragedy they now faced was hunger. The fact is when a crisis disappears from the

Cash is Critical to Fighting Hunger in Somalia

The Horn of Africa is in a hunger crisis and no country has been hit harder than Somalia. ●          90% of the country’s districts are gripped by devastating drought conditions. ●          Most of the grain Somalia depends on has been cut off by Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. ● 

Love Doesn’t Feed Her Children

Leticia loves her children. But as hard as she works, they are always hungry. The hunger that Leticia’s children are experiencing is the kind of hunger that not only saps your energy but takes away your future. Without support, she fears her children could become victims of the poverty they

Gift Guide: Kids’ Catalog

Every gift in our Kids’ Gift Catalog was chosen just for kids. These are gifts that will catch their interest, spark some thoughtful conversations, and hopefully teach them how much of an impact they can make at any age! Plus, each gift comes with a free, downloadable coloring sheet. Use

Forgotten in Kenya: Hard Stories from a Hunger Crisis

When we share stories with you about the people and communities ADRA serves, it’s important to us that the unjust reality of life for our neighbors around the world is seen and never forgotten. ADRA’s purpose is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended, and our hope

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