Loose change can be a nuisance rattling around your pocket or bag, but students at Greeneville Adventist Academy (GAA) in Greeneville, Tennessee use their Loose Change Drive to bring life-changing gifts to people around the world each December through ADRA’s gift catalog.
This Christmas, GAA raised $675, which is $200 more than they raised the previous year!
Students were divided into teams and each team was led by a high school student from the academy. Together, they went through the gift catalog to decide which gifts they wanted to support, including boat clinics, goats, chickens, and access to clean water. Then they set their fundraising goals and get to work.
“We love to see the students’ excitement with this project as they look outward, and not inward during the gift-giving season,” GAA teacher Angela Emde said. “Our desire is for this to be a life lesson on the joy of sacrificial giving.”
ADRA is so grateful for the many schools, churches, and other groups who get together and give together! If your group is interested in fundraising for ADRA, give us a call on 1.800.424.ADRA (2372).