At 89 years old, Nanya has experienced so much in her lifetime. But nothing as bad as this. No real rain has fallen in years, food and water are scarce, and hunger is constant.
Nanya’s husband died 30 years ago, leaving her with her three children who have now grown and left for the city in an attempt to provide for their own kids. Nanya cares for her grandchildren as best as she can but simply put, they are starving.
They are not alone. Every family in their little community in Kenya is going hungry. They are struggling without food, without options, and without hope.
“Everyone around us is suffering. We need help now,” said Nanya.

On a good day, Nanya’s grandchildren survive on porridge that is made from corn and sugar. Many days all they have is wild nuts and fruit that they have to forage amongst the dust. Every day she worries the kids she loves most in the world won’t survive.
Imagine being the person who can make sure these precious little ones, and others who are going hungry, have full tummies and a bright future. It can be you!
It is impossible to grow anything in Nanya’s small community. Everything is shared among the families, but there is never enough to go around. The adults only eat every other day to ensure that the children get as much to eat as possible. It’s never enough.
The young kids should be playing, learning at school, and dreaming of the future. Instead they spend their days collecting wood, carrying it to the market hours away, and trying to distract themselves from the pain in their empty stomachs.