ADRA’s Statement on World Refugee Day

Silver Spring, Md.— This World Refugee Day, there are more than 60 million people around the world who are internally displaced, seeking asylum, or living as refugees in other countries. The United Nations has described the Syrian crisis, which has displaced approximately half of the country’s population, as the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era. […]
Everything costs money: EKO Station Refugee Camp, Greece

EKO Station is an unofficial camp in Greece. That means that the camp just sprung up, and there is no government services or support for refugees. Up to 1,300 refugees having been living there for the past few months, since Macedonia closed its border with Greece. For many, it was a welcome alternative to Idomeni, […]
Our Global Work with Refugees

Thank you for serving refugees around the world – this work couldn’t be done without you. Everywhere you see marked in red on this map is a place where you are making it possible for ADRA staff and volunteers to serve people who have been forcibly displaced by conflict and persecution. Helping refugee and internally […]
Yazidis: An Ancient Faith Under Attack

Yazidis are a minority religious group, mostly living in northern Iraq. Their religion is believed to have been founded in the 11th century, and is derived from combining elements of Christianity, Islam and an ancient Persian faith. They are also ethnically Kurdish, another minority group in Iraq. There are around 700,000 Yazidis, despite their having […]
Get the Facts: Refugees and IDPs
The world is now witnessing the highest levels of displacement ever recorded. Beyond sensational headlines, there is a lot to learn about refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Refugees Worldwide Every day, more than 44,000 people are forced to flee their homes due to conflict or persecution. That’s 1 man, woman, or child every 2 […]
I Do Not Want to Remember: Said’s Story

Said is only 14, but has experienced hardships that no child should face. In Serbia, he shared his family’s story. “Mom and dad told us that we are going to Europe. We did not took anything with us, except of one spare clothe for each of us. They did not tell us how will we […]
European Refugee Crisis: Greece and Asylum Seekers

Balkan borders have closed to refugees seeking safety in Europe. ADRA has turned much of its attention to refugees and migrants stranded in Greece, and those seeking legal asylum. Greece ADRA’s emergency response team (ERT) were deployed to Greece in March. Staff members from ADRA Slovakia have been distributing hygiene kits to refugees in Idomeni, as well […]
Haitian-Dominican Refugees Forced Out of Dominican Republic Flood into Haiti
Around half a million Dominicans of Haitian descent are facing deportation in the Dominican Republic. Two years ago a court decision stripped Dominicans born to Haitian migrants of their citizenship, retroactively applied to anyone born after 1929. This ruling left tens of thousands of Dominican-born people of Haitian descent stateless, and facing being forced to […]
European Refugee Crisis: Refugees Re-routed through Croatia
In the first month after Hungary closed its border to Serbia in mid-September, 150,000 refugees have entered Croatia. On average around 6,000 refugees are entering Croatia on a daily basis, the majority of whom are using Croatia only as a transit route. As they continue their arduous trek through Europe, these refugees are in need […]
European Refugee Crisis: Slovenia and No-Man's Land
A No-Man’s land exists where refugees leaving Croatia must wait before they can enter Slovenia. Sometimes hours turn into overnight, leaving refugees hungry and cold. ADRA Slovenia has set up temporary shelters so refugees can rest, and also prepare food that is available for all. This is the first meal in a long time for many of […]