1.3 billion
The number of people living on degraded land, putting them at risk of worsening hunger, water shortages and poverty.
$313 billion
The cost of natural disasters globally in 2022 alone (in USD)
55 million
The number of people impacted by droughts every year.
21.5 million
The cost of natural disasters globally in 2022 alone.
You are an Emergency Responder
Your support means that urgent resources are ready, and often prepositioned, to reach areas in need as quickly as possible through ADRA’s global network and partners. Funds, materials, and personnel are coordinated through ADRA’s country offices nearest to the disaster so plans can be put into action immediately and appropriate relief supplies reach the areas hardest hit.
9, 791, 058 lives
In 2022, your generosity impacted 9,791,058 lives and supported more than 199 emergency response and preparedness projects around the world.
Emergency Responses

Emergency Response
The Horn of Africa is facing a fourth consecutive below-average rainfall season. Since late 2020 due to La Niña conditions, which are aggravating the current water crisis and ongoing drought in five countries (UNICEF, 2022). Conflicts risks and social unrest in some drought-affected countries are affecting the populations and further exacerbating their living conditions.
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