Dear ADRA Family,
Every week, the ADRA family comes together on Zoom and Facebook live for prayer. We listen to prayer requests shared throughout the week, and have the opportunity to connect with ADRA offices all over the world and hear how they’re responding to COVID-19.
We were joined this week by Dag Pontvik, country director for ADRA Italy. He shared how, through coordinated efforts with ADRA branch offices throughout Italy, they have been able to give food and necessary resources to about 2,000 families in need. ADRA Italy also developed a hotline where people feeling trauma can call and receive support.
Most importantly, Pontvik highlighted, is how ADRA Italy and Italians all over the country have come together to build each other up.
You may have seen videos circulating on social media of Italians singing opera through their open windows or joining with neighbors to make music—each with their own instrument on their own balcony.
As the country continues its strict lockdown in the fight against COVID-19, children all over Italy are spreading a slogan of reassurance: “Andrà tutu benne,”—everything will be all right. These banners are put up outside homes everywhere, along with a drawing or painting of a rainbow.
Pontvik shared a photo of a banner put up by a little girl who lives across the street from him.
“This is in front of my house—a little girl did this drawing,” Pontvik said. “You find this rainbow and feel the assurance that things will be okay. But you are also facing situations where you hear stories of people who have lost their lives or don’t make it. Through it all, what really gives us hope is that rainbow.”
These rainbows, innocent messages of hope spread by children, remind us of the the Bible quarantine story of Noah. While we’ve been in quarantine for weeks, Noah’s family was “in quarantine” on the ark for nearly a whole year.
“We remember the story of the quarantine that Noah went through in his big boat with all the animals,” reflected Pontvik. “There is a promise at the end. We have the assurance of Someone bigger than us.”
As we think of the creativity and encouragement of the Italian people, we are reminded of that first rainbow so long ago, when God promised us that everything will be all right.
Today, spend some time reading and meditating on Genesis 9:8-17.
- What does this passage tell us about God’s promises?
- How can we find hope for our situation today from God’s promise thousands of years ago?
- Draw your own rainbow banner with an encouraging phrase and put it on your door. Remind your neighbors that God is in control and everything will be all right.
Join us for weekly prayer every Monday at 12 PM. Click here to learn more.