Disaster Relief, emergency, Lebanon

ADRA Supplies AID After Airstrikes Hit Lebanon

A man in a white ADRA shirt stands by open trunk full of bags of food
ADRA workers deliver food to IDP's affected by recent airstrikes.

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), is delivering humanitarian aid to assist communities impacted by the hostilities in the Middle East.  Humanitarian intervention has become more urgent after a series of heavy airstrikes across various parts of the country initiated on September 21. 

Many towns, villages, and convoys that were evacuating civilians from the area were affected by the airstrikes. The turmoil has left more than 600 dead, approximately 2,000 injured, including hundreds of children and women, and at least 500,000 citizens internally displaced, according to Lebanon’s Foreign Minister reports. All schools and universities in the country are closed with some serving as shelters for those seeking protection. More than 169 collective shelters have been opened across Lebanon.

“ADRA’s country office in Lebanon has been focusing on assisting displaced households impacted by the conflict along the southern border.  Our goal is to give access to a diverse nutritious food supply that contributes to people’s well-being. The initial response efforts will provide food assistance through hot meals to internally displaced people (IDPs) in two shelters. In the Dekwena area of Mt Lebanon, ADRA is organizing a daily distribution of hot meals for lunch, along with water, vegetables, and fruit,” says Kelly Dowling, emergency response program manager for ADRA International. “Please continue to pray for Lebanon, those who are hurting, and our ADRA team as we work to relieve the suffering of those enduring terrible loss and hardship.”

The humanitarian agency is offering breakfast at collective shelters and have formed alliances with local restaurants in Aarsal to provide hot meals, which are being delivered by ADRA field office staff. ADRA is also collaborating with the local government, shelters, and other non-profit groups to distribute the food.

ADRA is strategically working with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lebanon, and Middle East University, to mobilize a team of volunteers to support aid efforts.

ADRA’s country office in Lebanon has been serving the most vulnerable communities since 2014, supporting refugee children through education, establishing development projects, and deploying humanitarian assistance to respond to ongoing conflicts.  

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The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is the international humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church serving in 118 countries. Its work empowers communities and changes lives around the globe by providing sustainable community development and disaster relief. ADRA’s purpose is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended.

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