SILVER SPRING, MD (June 24, 2024) – Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) mobilizes to respond to the devastation caused by a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea on Friday, May 24. The landslide, which occurred in the early morning hours, left behind a trail of destruction, and impacted the lives of thousands of people in the affected communities.

According to local and United Nations officials, the landslide awoke people before dawn, burying over 2,000 people alive, killing dozens, leaving about 700 people missing, displacing more than 7,000, and affecting over 4000 people in various villages. The Papua New Guinea government declared a state of emergency following the tragedy.
“ADRA’s country office in Papua New Guinea has deployed emergency response personnel to the disaster area and is assessing the situation to determine the humanitarian needs arising from the catastrophe. There are logistical challenges due to the nature of the crisis. Still, we are working closely with the government’s disaster management office, other humanitarian organizations, and the Adventist Church to ensure our humanitarian assistance reaches the most affected communities,“ says Elizabeth Tomenko, ADRA’s senior emergency program manager.

Needs Assessment
Through a comprehensive needs assessment, ADRA has actively identified humanitarian aid priorities, including:
- Immediate evacuation of disaster areas.
- Health and environmental risks.
- Emergency medical care, funeral services, and public health concerns.
- Shortage of temporary shelters and care centers for displaced people.
- Essential emergency food, water, and Non-Food Items (NFIs) needs.

Response Activities
ADRA coordinated efforts with Adventist Church volunteers and trusted partners and has delivered essential food, and non-food items to affected communities. It plans to implement
the following humanitarian aid to effectively meet humanitarian requirements and support recovery efforts:
- Continue supplying food and non-food items to help affected populations meet their basic needs.
- Enhance public health and hygiene through Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) initiatives.
For more than 30 years, ADRA has carried out development and relief operations in Papua New Guinea. The global agency remains committed to its mission of fostering resilience and facilitating recovery efforts in areas devastated by this most recent natural disaster.
Visit to learn more about the global organization’s ongoing humanitarian work in Papua New Guinea and worldwide, as well as ways to assist vulnerable communities.