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Kenya: Girls’ Empowerment Project

Fifteen-year-old Confridah started high school with excitement. She excelled in her studies and had plans to go to a university in the future. Her father had different plans. He had secretly found a husband for his daughter, and keeping with the custom in many parts of Kenya, he was going

Thailand: ADRA’s Mission for Safety Amongst Women

From within her office, 22-year-old Lin sees all the girls who come through the front door of the shelter. Some are just children, cowering in the doorway. Many are on their own, without family to protect them. All are vulnerable to the devastating sex trade that is rampant in Thailand.

Mali: ADRA Helps to Cultivate New Farming Techniques

Saly and Bintu live in Gao, located by the banks of Mali’s Niger River. The river is a precious resource, and many turn to fishing for income and for feeding their families. Saly’s and Bintu’s families aren’t fishermen, so they tried to grow vegetables. “We did not really know what

Rwanda: Goat Farm Pays for Education

Cynthia is not like most 9-year-olds. When she comes home from school, her first priority is not to watch TV or make a snack for herself. She doesn’t start on her homework right away or take an afternoon nap, either. The first thing Cynthia does when she gets home from

Vietnam: Cow Bank Helps the Blind

For 63 years, Lam felt like a burden. Born blind in the Tay Ninh province, where visually impaired people are considered invalids, Lam struggled with a sense of worth. Then he married and had two children. His family loved and respected him, but he felt like a failure. He was

Ethiopia: The Bicycle Ambulance

The day after Christmas in the small community of Dedere, Paula went into labor. Only 17 years old, Paula had never had a baby before, so when the second day passed with no progress, she began to worry. By the fourth day of intense pains, Paula began to panic. The

India: Ramesh’s Story of Addiction

Ramesh began drinking alcohol at 18, but it escalated to a more serious problem after he married. “He started to fight with me every night,” his wife, Angala, said. “He always wanted money to buy alcohol.” Though he had a job as a day laborer, a common job in India,

Democratic Republic of Congo: Mothers Guide to Healthy Lives

Jeanne is a 33-year-old farmer and mother to six children. She lives in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), but she is like every mother in the world, and nothing is more important to her than keeping her beautiful children healthy. When ADRA met with Jeanne, she was pregnant with

Zimbabwe: Well-Drilling Project

Having lost both her parents to AIDS, Mercy lives in an orphanage outside of Harare, Zimbabwe. Unfortunately, the orphanage lacks access to clean water, making Mercy one of the many children living in Zimbabwe at risk of diseases like cholera. Contaminated water and improper sanitation are the primary reasons for

Yemen: Well-Drilling Project for Clean Water

Monem, a 7-year-old living in Al Masraka, Yemen, makes the mile-long trek through a conflict-ridden area to draw water for his family. The youngest of five children, Monem is starting to show signs of trachoma, a painful and debilitating bacterial disease that has caused his older siblings to go blind.

Ingrid’s journey of Survival by Resiliency

Ingrid Flores is a single woman living with her mother and young son in the dry corridor of Honduras where more than half of the population is living in substandard conditions. For years she lived with an abusive husband until one day he beat her and left her lying on


By James Standish “Bucaramanga?”, my friend Mike chuckles1, “nope, never heard of it – but I’m amused to learn that a place called Boo·kaa·ruh·maang·guh even exists!” Mike sounds it out one syllable at a time as we’re sitting in a bagel shop in midtown Manhattan, not too far from the

Highlighting Resilience: ADRA’s Emergency Response Efforts in 2023

It’s been reported that global fatalities have increased in 2023 by 30% compared to the previous year due to floods, wildfires, cyclones, storms, landslides, and other disasters. ADRA has been on the frontlines helping communities worldwide who are grappling with the aftermath of disasters and emergencies.  In 2023, ADRA responded

Lighting up Kusi’s Life for MLK

Martin Luther King, Jr. described poverty as a monstrous octopus that “projects its nagging, prehensile tentacles in lands and villages all over the world.” This is the beast ADRA Connections volunteers are fighting. ADRA Connections volunteers are partnering with communities to fight this monster. Just ask Kusi. Kusi is part

El Salvador: ADRA Helps People of all Ages to Read and Write

ADRA’s literacy project in El Salvador aims to change people’s lives. “I know in some schools wouldn’t allow me to take classes because I have my child with me. I thank God and ADRA that I can learn with my daughter,” explains Mary Collindres, a student at one of more

India: Organic Kitchen Gardens

Tamilarasi is a 31-year-old mother who is also the breadwinner of her family. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Yenambakkam, Tamil Nadu. Her family’s finances began to dry up after she had to quit her previous job as a papad (dry snack item) vendor. Her husband worked

Kenya: An Everyday Struggle for Food in Parts of Kenya

No one likes being hungry. But when you’re hungry, there’s a big difference between knowing exactly when you’re going to have your next meal and not knowing when you’re going to get something to eat. Beatrice and her family, who live in Kenya, are experiencing real hunger. Real hunger saps

Behind The Scenes: Empowering Marginalized Communities

Hannah Ndongu, the Director of Emergency Management at ADRA Africa, shares with us her remarkable journey of over two decades of service as a humanitarian. Ndongu’s journey with ADRA began in 1997, a year that marked the start of her unwavering commitment to serving vulnerable communities across Africa. Over the

India: 3 Ways the Mobile School is Making a Difference

In India, ADRA Austria launched an innovative project to provide education to underprivileged children. It’s reported that 21 percent of children in India live in extreme poverty. In order to survive, children are forced into child labor and at times can earn the same amount as an adult to help

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