Macedonia: The Testimonies of a Syrian Family Seeking Refuge

It is crowded at the train station at Tabanovce as the refugees exit the train. Today they have crossed the border from Greece, where they arrived in Europe, and boarded the train at the first station in Macedonia. The few tents put up for shelters are quickly filled up, and families must find other places […]
Serbia: ADRA’s Refugee Center Provides Essential Needs for Survival

At one month old, Qamar has nowhere to call home. Her parents, Mustafa and Hala, are refugees who fled Syria to escape growing violence and the threat of terror that surrounded them. They left their home in Damascus two months before we met them. Hala gave birth to beautiful Qamar as they made their way […]
Bulgaria: ADRA’s Mission to Help Through Refugee Centers

On a given day, hundreds of refugees may trickle across borders or they may come in waves of thousands. Today, a group of fifty were crossing into Serbia from Bulgaria, so there was time for ADRA team members to make conversation. One volunteer spoke at length with a father named Abdullah, who was leading his […]