Hygiene and sanitation resources and PPEs to be distributed across local communities
CAMBODIA (April 14, 2020) – In response to the rapid transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic that has significantly challenged the country’s health system, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has responded in Cambodia supplying personal protection equipment (PPE) and education materials.
“ADRA wants community members to make the right choices in their personal hygiene, sanitation and social distancing behaviors to prevent, control and respond to COVID-19,” says Kong Phano, public relations coordinator for ADRA in Cambodia.
The support took place in Kompong Thom, Preah Vihear and Pursat provinces where ADRA has been in regular contact with Cambodian provincial administrative and public health system partners.
“ADRA initially worked with provincial health department (PHDs)/MOH to print banners, posters and brochures on hand-washing and other prevention measures using approved WHO/MOH designs, which were distributed during project activities in early March,” Phano says.
An urgent request ramped up for further support after a group of persons tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from a large religious convocation in Malaysia.
The PHDs and local health centers have started more vigilant prevention measures at all of their health facilities for suspected cases and COVID-19 testing. They also appealed to ADRA and other development partners to assist in meeting the needs for PPEs at all of their referral hospitals and local health centers.

“In Preah Vihear and Kompong Thom, PPE supplies will reach 1,182 healthcare workers and the promotion materials will reach an estimated 700,000 in target health centers. This response was made possible through a partnership with the Latter-day Saints Charities,” Phano says.
The PPE supplies include, 15,950 surgical masks and pairs of examination gloves, 2,640 liters of alcohol and eight 20 liter spray containers, 96 thermometers, 3,620 brochures, 1,810 posters, and 724 banners. ADRA is also promoting awareness campaigns through brochures and banners to help minimize the spread of the COVID-19, and is broadcasting announcements by radio about the importance of social distancing, hygiene, and handwashing.
“In Pursat, PPE supplies will reach 800 health care workers, persons at quarantine centers and patients and promotion materials will reach an estimated 300,000 in target health centers. This response was made possible through the Best CHOICES project that is supported by the Australian Government and ADRA Australia,” Phano says.
Here, the PPE supplies include 650 surgical masks, 90 liters of alcohol and 25 (500ml) bottles of hand sanitizer gels, 16 thermometers, 5,000 brochures, 800 posters, and 20 banners.
This promotion entails six activities in an effort to help make the community stronger and empowered to maintain their livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional activities include:
1) Installing six latrines in quarantine centers.
2) Collaborating with local authorities to air COVID-19 education videos about hygiene and hand-washing in waiting rooms at health centers.
3) Broadcasting loud-speaker announcements about hygiene and preventative COVID-19 methods by motorbike within target villages, and
4) Partnering with other organizations to share video clips about eating clean food, drinking safe water, and proper hand-washing via computer tablets that will be shared by community supervisors with community members.
For updates about ADRA’s response to COVID-19 in Cambodia, visit https://www.facebook.com/ADRACambodia.
About ADRA
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is the international humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its work empowers communities and changes lives around the globe by providing sustainable community development and disaster relief. For more information, visit ADRA.org.