
We are connected by stories.

A mother in Mozambique; a girl fleeing war in Ukraine; a school full of children in Lebanon. We observe the differences in language, ethnicity, and circumstance; but we are not limited by them. We begin to see what is the same: family; community; a love of learning; the desire for freedom. What was once unfamiliar becomes familiar.

Stories reveal what is profoundly true…..

We are ALL children of God

We are ALL more similar than we are different

We are ALL connected

These stories are testament to the life changing work of ADRA in more than 120 countries around the world, but they are also a testament to the promise and potential of stories. 

Enjoy them and share them. And, perhaps, find your own life changed in the process.

About this Story

Did you know almost 100 million people are currently displaced globally, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agencybecause of war, persecution, and violence? Many of them end up in refugee camps with little hope for a future. ADRA works to change that. We recognize that refugee children are arguably the most vulnerable group in the world, and we do everything we can for them. Amira is one of those children. Listen as she shares what her experience is like. Can you imagine yourself in her position?

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