Rwanda: ADRA Improves Condition of Hygiene in Transit Camp
SILVER SPRING, Md. – The political climate in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been volatile since the highly disputed presidential elections of November 2011. Since then, Congolese refugees have been seeking shelter in Rwanda, escaping clashes between DRC government forces and armed militia. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is working in Rwanda’s Nkamira transit camp, improving the condition of the camp’s sanitation in efforts to reduce the spread of disease.
A rapid assessment conducted by ADRA revealed some of the most urgent needs were food, shelter, and water, in addition to improving sanitation issues concerning latrines and waste bins. ADRA, in coordination with CARE and Oxfam, are responding to the deteriorating hygiene infrastructure within the camp, with each organization addressing specific needs. ADRA is directing its response to the shortage of functional latrines, and is doing so by donating and installing 20 latrines to the camp. This new addition is expected to benefit 1,000 beneficiaries.
An estimated 100 latrines are currently available throughout the Nkamira camp, which is home to nearly 7,000 refugees. According to Agency reports, a number of the latrines have been in use for several years, and are soon expected to become full and out of service. Additionally, ongoing heavy rains in the region have led to numerous expanses of stagnant water ridden with bacteria, which is increasing the risk of an outbreak of Cholera and other similar diseases.
As ADRA’s response expands, more information will be posted.