Harvey Response Continues as Hurricane Irma’s Path Continues

ADRA is preparing for the imminent arrival of Hurricane Irma across several countries even as the disaster response following Hurricane Harvey continues with partners Adventist Community Services (ACS).

ADRA is responding to Hurricane Harvey in partnership with ACS who are leading the emergency response. ACS is actively responding through their southwestern United States regional office, currently providing hygiene kits, clothing, and cleaning supplies. ADRA is supplying financial support, as well as technical and resource coordination.

ACS will continue coordinating with local and federal agencies, along with other organizations responding in the region, to identify the greatest needs and how they can be met most effectively.

As with every disaster, monetary donations are critical and the most effective way you can provide support to those affected. Please consider making a donation to ADRA’s emergency fund today.

You can make a contribution in the following ways:

  • Make a donation at your local Seventh-day Adventist Church labeled “ACS Disaster Response”
  • Call 1-800-381-7171 (ACS) or 1-800-424-2372 (ADRA)
  • Make an online donation at  www.communityservices.org or by clicking here for ADRA
  • Mail a donation to:

Adventist Community Services, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904

or ADRA, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904

For Hurricane Irma, ADRA is pre-positioning materials and personnel to evaluate the situation and respond as quickly as possible.

Photo: Hisam Saker, Houston Central Church